Museum of HistoryThe Peoples Museum of History named after Alexander Pol of the National Mining University (that time Dnipropetrovsk Mining Institute named after Artem) was opened on the 12th of October, 1974. In 2001 according to the decision of the NMU Academic Council the Museum was named after O.M.Pol, the famous figure of our land in the 19th century. Today more than 13,000 exhibits are stored in the stocks of the Museum. The new exposition consists of six parts. There are 1,500 exhibits in it, and about 80% of them are originals. Section one tells of KHMC Katerinoslav Higher Mining College (the NMU predecessor), its classes and library, and first graduates. Four of them became then professors in Alma Mater. Section two covers the period from 1912, when KHMC became the Mining Institute, to 1917. This section contains information concerning O.M.Terpigoryev, M.J.Lebedyev, P.M.Leontovsky, Y.I.Grdina, M.M.Fedorov and other founders of the first scientific schools. Section three is devoted to the 1920th1930th: transformations and innovations by Bolsheviks, "dual power", shortening of term of studies to three years, enrollment of women, new specializations introduction, frequent replacement of rectors-directors, artificial "breaking" of the Institute (new technical institutes, subordinated to branch peoples` commissariats were established on the basis of faculties), formation of new scientific schools despite everything, horror of political repressions and creation of new departments unusual for pre-revolutionary time (departments of military training and physical training). Section four is called "DMI during the World War II". Section five, the biggest one, tells of the period of reconstruction and further progress of the Mining Institute during the Soviet period.
The Museum is equipped with video facilities. Meetings with graduates and conferences on hitory and regional studies are held here. Club of Regional Studies ("Grani"), Military and Historical Club named after A.I.Gryaznov sit here. The Museum has The School of Guides. The Peoples Museum of History named after Alexander Pol works daily except Saturday and Sunday. Entrance free. Contacts:
Tel.: +38 (056) 756-09-88