Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time
International cooperation
About university
Finde the Department
Department of applied economics, entrepreneurship and public administration
Department of applied mathematics
Department of automobiles and automobile economy
Department of chemistry and chemical engineering
Department of civil, economic and environmental law
Department of construction, geotechnics and geomechanics
Department of cyberphysical and information-measuring systems
Department of ecology and technologies of environmental protection
Department of economic analysis and finance
Department of economic theory and international economic relations
Department of economics and economic cybernetics
Department of electric drive
Department of electric power engineering
Department of electrical engineering
Department of engineering and design in mechinery industry
Department of engineering, technical aesthetics and design arts
Department of foreign languages
Department of general and structural geology
Department of geodesy
Department of geology and mineral prospecting
Department of geophysical methods
Department of history and political theory
Department of hydrogeology and engineering geology
Department of information security and telecommunications
Department of information technology and computer engineering
Department of international relations and auditing
Department of labor protection and civil security
Department of management
Department of marketing
Department of military training
Department of mining engineering and education
Department of oil and gas engineering and drilling
Department of philology and language communication
Department of philosophy and pedagogics
Department of physical culture and sport
Department of physics
Department of public administration and local self-government
Department of public law
Department of software of computer systems
Department of surface mining
Department of system analysis and contro
Department of technologies of mechanical engineering and materials science
Department of thermal engineering and energy technology
Department of tourism and economics of enterprise
Department of translation
Department of transport systems and energy-mechanical complexes
Department of transportation management
Department of механической и биомедицинской инженерии
Research department
University scientific projects
International scientific projects
Scientific achievements
Research and Education Centes
Research platforms
Personnel training
Postgraduate and doctoral
Youth science
Student science
Scientific periodicals
Scientific Bulletin of NMU
Economic Bulletin
Enrichment of Minerals
Information Technology
Mining Electrical Engineering and Automation
Collection of scientific works
History and Culture of Pridneprovya
Humanitarian journal
Mining of Mineral Deposits
Law. State. Technology
Sicheslavsky almanac
Спеціалізовані вчені ради
Admission to university
Admission rules
Admission office
Career guidance
Career guidance
Subjects free choice
Internal quality assurance in higher education
Educational program projects (discussion)
Full-time education
Institutes, faculties, departments
Educational resources
Scholarships, awards
Distance and evening studies
Interbranch Institute of Continuing Learning
Graduate education
Evening education
International studens
Educational and scientific center for training of international students
Center for International Cooperation
Educational and scientific center for training of international citizens
International cultural and educational centers
Ukrainian-American Linguistic Center
Ukrainian-Deutch Cultural Center
Ukrainian-Spanish-Latin American Cultural Center
Ukrainian-Polish Cooperation Center
Ukrainian-Japan Center
Language Training Center
Ukrainian-American Lyceum
Ukrainian-Sino cultural and linguistic center
About Library
History of the Library
Library Structure
Reading rooms
Electrotechnical literature reading room
Technical and scientific literature reading room
Humanitarian literature reading room
Economic literature reading room
Teacher’s reading room
Fiction literature subscription hall
Technical and scientific literature subscription hall
Electronic information resources
Electronic reading room
Керівні органи
Штатний розпис та вакансії
Правила прийому
Освітній процес
Rector reports
Strategy and development program
Charitable activities
General information
About of the University
History of the University
University honors
Prominent alumni
Установчі документи та положення
Corporate symbolism
Institutes, faculties, departments
Colleges, technical schools
Research and Educational Centers
Qualification center
Trade committee
Virtual tours of the auditoriums
Scientific and analytical services
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Scientific activities
Leading scientists
Educational activities
International activities
More than one hundred NMU collaborators took part in the REC project during three years:
Beshta Oleksandr Stepanovych
Bondarenko Volodymyr Illich
Busyhin Borys Serhijovych
Humenyk Illia L’vovych
Zhuravliov Mykhajlo Kostiantynovych
Kyrychenko Jevhen Oleksijovych
Korotenko Hryhorij Mykhajlovych
Kuz’menko Oleksandr Mykhajlovych
Novikova Liudmyla Vasylivna
Pilov Petro Ivanovych
Popovchenko Serhij Jevhenovych
Prykhodchenko Vasyl’ Fedorovych
Razumnyj Jurij Tymofijovych
Sadovenko Ivan Oleksandrovych
Sdvyzhkova Olena Oleksandrivna
Soboliev Valerij Viktorovych
Shashenko Oleksandr Mykolajovych
Babets’ Dmytro Volodymyrovych
Bondarenko Zoja Ivanivna
Hajdaj Oleksandr Anatoliovych
Hapiejev Serhij Mykolajovych
Harkusha Ihor Mykolaiovych
Horobec’ Larysa Zhanivna
Dychkovs’kyj Roman Omelianovych
Dovbnich Mykhajlo Mykhajlovych
Jevtejev Volodymyr Volodymyrovycg
Zholudiev Sviatoslav Viktorovych
Zahrycenko Alina Mykolajivna
Zaslavs’ka Liudmyla Ivanivna
Inkin Oleksandr Viktorovych
Klimkina Iryna Ivanivna
Kovalenko Vladyslav Viktorovych
Kononenko Maksym Mykolaiovych
Lozovyj Andrij Leonidovych
Medianyk Volodymyr Yuriovych
Nikulin Serhij Leonidovych
Petrivs’kyj Jaroslav Borysovych
Poliashov Oleksandr Serhijovych
Prokopenko Tetiana Dmytrivna
Rudakov Dmytro Viktorovych
Rus’kykh Vladyslav Vasyliovych
Rukhlov Artiom Volodymyrovych
Ruzina Maryna Viktorivna
Solodiankin Oleksandr Viktorovych
Tereshchuk Roman Mykolajovych
Tymoshchuk Vasyl’ Ippolitovych
Tymchenko Svitlana Jevhenovna
Tishkov Volodymyr Volodymyrovych
Fal’shtyns’kyj Volodymyr Sergiovych
Khoziajkina Natalija Volodymyrivna
Khomenko Volodymyr L’vovych
Khomenko Oleh Jevhenovych
Tsyplienkov Dmytro Volodymyrovych
Shvorak Vitalij Grygorovuch
Shevchenko Serhij Viktorovych
Bilan Natalija
Hryhorjev Oleksij
Hryshchenko Olena
Ivanov Oleksij
Kachanov Oleksandr
Kyrychenko Volodymyr
Kovrov Oleksandr
Lozhnikov Oleksij
Mal’cev Dmytro
Netecha Maksym
Radiuk Maksym
Fedorenko Olena
Javors’kyj Andrij
Janko Valentyn
Viktosenko Iryna
Hruntova Valentyna
Demjanec’ Svitlana
Doereviahina Natalija
Ivanova Kateryna
Kondratiuk Ivan
Kravchenko Kostiantyn
Lavryk Marija
Lebid’ Svitlana
Lohunov Danyjil
Miniejev Oleksandr
Pavlichenko Artem
Perkov Jevgen
Perkova (Vorobjova) Tetiana
Romaniukov Artem
Selezniov Andrij
Sierhejeva Kateryna
Sidiel’nikov Oleksandr
Starotitorov Ihor
Fursa Serhij
Sherstiuk Jevhenija
Jamnych Tetiana
Annienkov Valerij
Antypovych Jana
Babenko Maksym
Bardadym Jevhen
Borysevych Serhij
Verbnyj Oleksij
Vypanasenko Natalija
Hajdenko Serhij
Hrechyshchjeva Darja
Dolhyj Oleksandr
Dronov Oleksandr
Dybrina Natalija
Jehorenko Kateryna
Zacepin Jevhen
Ivanenko Denys
Ivanov Denys
Karapysh Viktorija
Kovalevs’kyj Oleksandr
Koval’chuk Olena
Kozlov Serhij
Lavrentjeva Liudmyla
Lysenko Artem
Mostovoj Viktor
Nikitenko Ihor
Petliovanyj Mykhajlo
Prykhodchenko Dmytro
Prykhodchenko Oleksij
Prychyna Kateryna
Pryshchepa Maksym
Pustovyj Viktor
Rybak Kateryna
Sidel’nyk Ivan
Sidel’nyk Oleksandr
Smoliak Jurij
Solod’kov Denys
Sorbat Jurij
Taturevych Artem
Tymoshenko Jevhen
Tyshchenko Serhij
Trehub Mykola
Tubal’cev Oleksandr
Kholod Dmytro
Khomenko Dmytro
Khrebto Hanna
Chemadura Roman
Cherniajeva Julija
Shepel’ Taras
Shkarednyj Mykhajlo
Internal resources
Scientific publications
Video studio "Unost"
Social networks
Information partnership
Press Сenter
Закон про вищу освіту
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