Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time
Sadovenko.jpgIvan Olexandrovych SADOVENKO (1948), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology at the NMU. In 1993 he submitted the doctor's thesis "Scientific Basics to Control Groundwater Flow Conditions in Rocks Around Mine Workings". Scientific interests of I. O. Sadovenko cover hydro-geomechanical state of the rock mass and fluid transport in geotechnical systems. He is the author and co-author of more than 150 scientific works. He was the scientific supervisor of two international projects from the NMU side in cooperation with the partners from Germany, Great Britain, and Japan. He was awarded the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technique in 1998. He is also Honored Scientist of Ukraine.

Busygin-s.jpgBoris Sergiovych BUSYGIN (1951) Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Geo-information Systems Department. In 1993 he submitted the doctor's thesis entitled "Mathematical Support and Computerization of Digital Image Recognition Technology in Exploration Geophysics". B.S. Busygin is the expert in integrated analysis of multilevel and multifarious data using geo-informational systems for solving environmental problems, minerals forecasting and exploration activity, man-caused and natural catastrophes risk assessment. He is the member of the Advisory council of the governmental accreditation committee on "Computer sciences", the member of the Higher Attestation Commission on geological sciences. He has more than 130 published works including four textbooks licensed by Ministry of science and education of Ukraine.

Kuzmenko-s.jpgOlexandr Mikhailovich KUZMENKO (1949), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Underground Mining Department. In 1996 he submitted the doctor's thesis entitled "Geomechanical Substantiation of Underground Mining Technology in Dynamical Strain Fields of Bedrocks". O.M. Kuzmenko is the expert in filling worked out space on steep strata in Donbass, physical processes of mining and technology of deposit exploration under complex mining and geological conditions taking into account strain geodynamical fields. O.M. Kuzmenko has essential educational experience in organizing scientific and educational provision for teaching/learning in higher schools. From 1976 till 1979 he had been working in the Annaba University (Alger). He is the author and co-author of more than 100 scientific works including 9 monographs, one dictionary, two manuals and one textbook, 15 inventions and patents.

Sdvizhkova-s.jpgOlena Olexandrovna SDVIZHKOVA (1959), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Higher Mathematics at the NMU. In 2002 she submitted the doctor's thesis entitled "The Stability of Underground Mining Workings in Structurally Non-uniform Rocks with Probability Distributed Properties". O.O. Sdvyzhkova is the specialist in rock mechanics, mathematical modeling of the stress-strain state of rocks, rock pressure phenomenon, rock deformation and failure, scale effect in rocks, underground construction stability criteria. She is author and co-author of more than 90 scientific works including four books and ten educational textbooks.

Rudakov-s.jpgDmytro Victorovich RUDAKOV (1970), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology at the NMU. In 1993 he submitted the doctor's thesis entitled "Basing Physical and Chemical Parameters of Geotechnical Systems Stage and Control in Mining Regions". D.V. Rudakov is the specialist in mathematical modeling of flow, transport, gas- and hydrodynamic phenomena in mined rocks, and species transport in the boundary layer of the atmosphere. In 2000 he accomplished the research work in modeling water transport in unsaturated soils during the research stay at the University of Munich. He has published 47 scientific papers including two educational textbooks.



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