Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

The REC scientific component is aimed at development of modern principles of mineral and energy resources use grounded on fundamentals of geotechnical systems functioning that unite geological and technical components.

Study of carbon formation caused by chemical reactions on the solid phase surface and development of a quantum mechanical model

Firstly the fundamentals of chemical dynamics are developed with application to up-to-date quantum chemistry. The quantum-mechanical approach developed at the National Mining University has more advantages in comparison with G. Ertl's theory (G. Ertl is the Nobel winner 2007 in the field of chemistry). The proposed theory implies existence of surface charges as additional energy sources. Changes of chemical bonds energy depending on intensity of electric and magnetic fields, temperatures and pressure have been investigated. Analytical solutions for equations describing dynamics of bonds during an elementary chemical act are obtained.


The scenario of an elementary chemical act on a solid phase surface under influence of an electric charge (a metal ion)

Developers: Dr. V. Sobolev, Ph.D. O. Polyashov, Assistant N. Bilan
Contacts: +38 (0562) 46-90-04, e-mail: sobolevv@nmu.org.ua

Forecasting of geomechanical processes in rocks of complex structure affected by intensive coal excavation

Modern systems of coal mining provide functioning of excavations under difficult geological and geotechnical conditions that do not have any analogue very often. Now there is no an adequate conception about influence of the mining speed on the collapse step of the basic roof. Meanwhile, the unexpected roof caving on considerable mining areas causes the dangerous phenomena such as dynamic effects comparable to earthquakes.

Increasing underground working stability is possible on the base of exact estimation of geomechanical situation considering the influence both regular and random factors. Random character of rock pressure is explained by rock heterogeneity. Ignoring a stochastic component of rock mass behavior makes forecasting not adequate to reality.

The project purpose is to estimate changes of rock mass stress-strain state due to mining intensification and development of recommendations concerning prevention from negative rock pressure after-effects.

The new algorithm of 3D geomechanical simulation of rock mass heterogeneity is developed. The algorithm is based on combining the finite element method and imitating modeling. It allows reproducing stochastic dispersion of rocks properties.
The procedure makes it possible to forecast behavior of rocks in details, to reduce expenses for repairing works and to raise safety of underground constructions.


Researchers: Dr. O. Sdvizhkova, PhD. D. Babets, Postgraduate O. Ivanov
Contacts: +38 (0562) 47-17-17 e-mail: alex-ivanov@i.ua

Prediction of hydro-geomechanical stability of bedrock and slopes under influence of mine water ponds

Safe localization of highly mineralized mine waters became the serious problem for the most of mining areas in Ukraine. Systematic leakage of waste waters from accumulating ponds due to suffusion of clay bottoms have resulted in increase of ground water mineralization, lowering geomechanical stability of slopes weakened by leaching and fracturing. Rock loosening causes landslides and ground settlements threatening houses located near mine water ponds.

The project goal is to analyze and estimate geomechanical, physical, and chemical factors that determine stability of sandstone bedrock saturated with mineralized mine waters. The site is located in the Kryvbas iron ore basin (Central Ukraine).
The developed model of mine water leakage from accumulating ponds simulates increasing hydraulic permeability due to clay bottom erosion and suffusion. Stimations of rock properties on affected areas have shown high rates and throughout development of artificial karst process. Modeling of ground water flow during spring floods in the river Ingulets and stress-deformed state of slopes as boundaries of salt water discharge have revealed landslide development on some sites in populated areas.


Researchers: Dr. I. Sadovenko, Dr. D. Rudakov, PhD. V. Tymoschuk, PhD. A. Zagrytzenko
Contacts: +38 (0562) 46-87-11, e-mail: dmi3rud@mail.ru



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