Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time
Scientific and Educational Center INTERPROJECT

Established in 2010 as unit of the National Mining University (now - Dnipro University of Technology).

Participants of the Center: Dnipro University of Technology and the State Open Joint Stock Company "Dniprodiproshakht" of the Ministry of Coal Industry of Ukraine.

Director of the Center:

Gapeev Sergey, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Departments of Construction, Geotechnics and Geomechanics

Grounds for the creation of the Center: Agreement on cooperation between the Dnipro University of Technology and the “Dniprodiproshakht” dated October 04, 2010; Order of the Dnipro University of Technology No. 329 dated October, 08, 2010; Order of the “Dniprodiproshakht” No. 39/1 dated October 14, 2010; Statute of the Scientific and Educational Center "Interproject" of the Dnipro University of Technology.

The main purpose of the Center is to ensure the consistency of scientific research; organizing and conducting research at the University and the “Dniprodiproshakht”; providing services in the field of mining enterprise design; concentration and effective application of educational and scientific potential by means of the involvement of experts of the “Dniprodiproshakht”; retraining and advanced training of specialists with higher education.

The main tasks of the Center:

· Improving the quality of engineering training of bachelor and master students in the field of mining enterprise design;

· Obtaining a scientific product in the form of new theoretical research results, technologies, utility models and samples, inventions, etc .;

· Building the knowledge triangle: science - education - innovation (enterprise);

· Target fundamental retraining of specialists with higher education.

The main activities of the Center:

· Retraining and advanced training of specialists with higher education and scientific and pedagogical staff of higher qualification with the participation of leading specialists of Dniproproshakht;

· Organizing, coordinating and conducting joint scientific research, facilitating the implementation of the research results of the University and Dniproproshakht in project development;

· Organization and coordination of international scientific and technical cooperation with higher educational establishments and scientific institutions of foreign countries in the directions of the main activity of the Center;

· Preparation and holding of joint scientific conferences, symposia, seminars;

· Information support of the scientific and educational activities of the University and Dniproproshakht;

· Cooperation with sectoral organizations, enterprises, research institutes, and other enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership, including foreign ones, to fulfill the tasks of the Center;

· Organizing and conducting refresher training and retraining courses for the Center's areas of work;

· Participation in international events in the field of education, science, retraining and advanced training of specialists.

The main priority directions of the scientific-educational activity and development of the Center are:

· Ensuring budgetary, economic and commercial effect by combining the resources, plans and economic mechanisms of the University and Dniproproshakht;

· Strengthening the methodological influence of Dniproproshtakht on the training of specialists with higher education;

· Providing internships for the University's scientists in the departments of Dniproproshakht, organization of training practices based on Dniproproshakht.


Postal address: 49005, Dnipro, Dmytro Yavornitsky Ave., 19, Dnipro University of Technology

 SIC «Interproject»

Phone: + 38-056-373-07-69

Email: gapieievs@nmu.org.ua



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