Ukrainian-Turkish Scientific and Educational Center "Gіrnicha sprava"![]() Director – Associate Professor of the Department of Mining Engineering and Education– Ganushevych Kostiantyn. Born in 1984. In 2007 finished the National Mining University (now Dnipro University of Technology) by speciality “Underground mining of mineral deposits”. In 2007 received certificate of English language translator/interpreter. From 2007 to 2009 was working in the USA as an interpreter including mining field as well. During that period received important experience that is being improved now in mining sphere.
Turkish center has been established in order to provide scientific researches, organization and conduction of mutual scientific studies, development and introduction of new technologies for minerals extraction and effective usage of educational-scientific potential, retraining and qualification improvement in the field of mining. Basic activity trends of the center: - Retraining and qualification improvement of the specialist with higher education and scientific-educational personnel together with leading staff of the Dnipro University of Technology and universities of Turkey; - Organization, coordination and conduction of mutual scientific researches, introduction of scie ![]() ntific developments of the Dnipro University of Technology and universities of Turkey into the industry; - Forecast, development of mutual programs, substantiation of perspectives and prioritized trends of mineral deposits extraction technologies; - Organization and coordination of international scientific-technical collaboration with scientific establishments of foreign countries; - Preparation and conduction of mutual scientific conference, symposia, seminars; - Collaboration with industrial enterprises, organizations; - Collaboration with industrial organizations, enterprises, scientific-research institutes and other establishments and organizations including foreign enterprises for implementation of tasks for the Center; - Organization of mutuaol enternships of the students, postgraduates, doctorants and teachers;
- Mutual usage of the laboratories with unique scientific equipment. Contacts: Тел.: +38 (0562) 47-90-48 E-mail: kosganush@gmail.com |