Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time
Scientific and Educational Center of Physics of Energetic Materials and Processes

 The Scientific and Educational Center for Physics of Energetic Materials and Processes (hereinafter - the Center) is a structural unit of the Dnipro University of Technology, which operates based on the current legislation of Ukraine, the Statute of the University and the Stature of the Scientific and Educational Center for Physics of Energetic Materials and Processes.

The Center was created by order of the Rector of Dnipro University of Technology and the order of the General Director of the State Enterprise Research-Industrial Complex «Pavlograd Chemical Plant» (SE RIC PCP).

Director: Oleg Tkach, Candidate of Technical Sciences

The main purpose of the Center is to ensure the consistency of scientific research; strengthening the methodological impact of the world-renowned scientific units on the organization and conduct of scientific research in the University and the SE RIC PCP; development and implementation of energy-efficient technologies and new high-energy materials in the extraction of minerals; concentration and effective utilization of educational and scientific and technical potential by involving scientists of the NAS of Ukraine and highly qualified specialists of relevant industries in teaching; retraining and advanced training in the field of drilling and blasting operations.

The main tasks of the Center are the following:

Obtaining a scientific product in the form of new theoretical research results, technologies, inventions, utility models and samples, etc.;

Target fundamental retraining of highly qualified personnel.

The main activities of the Center:

Retraining and advanced training of specialists with higher education and scientific and pedagogical staff of higher qualification with the participation of leading specialists of the NAS of Ukraine and leading engineering and technical employees of industrial enterprises;

Organizing, coordinating and conducting joint scientific research, facilitating the implementation of scientific development of the University and the SE RIC PCP in production;

Forecasting, development and implementation of targeted programs, substantiation of prospects and priority directions of development of safe and efficient technologies of production, storage and application of energy-efficient technologies and high-energy materials in mining, mechanical engineering, etc.;

Organization and coordination of international scientific and technical cooperation with higher educational institutions and scientific institutions of other countries in the directions of the main activity of the Center;

Preparation and holding of joint scientific symposia, conferences, seminars;

Information support of the scientific and educational activity of the University and scientific and technical achievements of the SE RIC PCP;

Cooperation with industrial enterprises, research institutes, and other enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership, including foreign ones, to fulfill the objectives of the Center;

Organizing and conducting refresher training and retraining on contracts and directions of the Center;

Participation in international events in the field of education, science, retraining and professional development of specialists.

Priority areas of research:

· Efficient use of traditional and alternative energy sources;

· Development of the drilling and blasting complex as a technical system;

· Environmental monitoring of the effects of high-energy substances and products of their chemical reactions on the environment;

· Industrial safety and labor protection;

· Product certification.

By the purpose defined by the Statute, the Center carries out other activities that do not contradict the legislation of Ukraine, cooperates with state executive authorities, enterprises, institutions and organizations of Ukraine and foreign countries.


tel. 47-08-84, 2-05



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