Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

The purpose of the REC external links development is the collaborative work on educational programs and in joint projects, professional development of the REC staff, trainings and refreshing courses within the REC framework, corporative use of the Geotechnical System Stability Research Center (GSSRC).

The international scientific-educational and scientific-practical events organized and supported by REC:

NMU met the CRDF Delegation

On November 11, 2010, the NMU principals have met with the delegation of the Civil Researches and Development Foundation. The delegation headed by Senior program manager Marilyn Pifer included also the external CRDF expert Paul Richards who is the Colombian university professor (NY, USA), main manager assistant Elisabeth Shup, the manager of the Kyiv CRDF office Olena Denbnovetska and the coordinator of Ukrainian CRDF projects Tetyana Narchynska. It was not the first visit of CRDF officers to NMU. During this day the CRDF representatives have visited the REC research laboratories, meet with young scientists who are project participants.

Senior program manager Marilyn Pifer has handed over the CRDF certificate to the NMU Rector Gennadiy Pivnyak as a sign of recognition of diligent and conscientious work within the project "Geotechnical systems stability: processes, phenomena, risks". She has said that the participants had made good efforts for targeting the research aims and completing its tasks.

“The International colloquium named after professor M.M. Protodiakonov” held in NMU, October 21-22, 2010

“The International Colloquium named after Professor M.M. Protodiakonov” supported by REC was held in the National Mining University. The forum program included both research and technical Sections. They are Technologies of underground mining; Open mining works; Mineral dressing; Underground construction; Surveyor-geodesic works development; Rock mechanics and geo-techniques; Geology; Problems and prospects of mining equipment modernization; Environmental problems of urban areas; Mining aerology and labor safety; Technologies for economic and safe usage of electrical power; Economy and management in mining industry.

14-15 May, 2008
The international colloquium named after Prof. Protodiakonov «Problems of geomechanics, disintegration and durability of rocks»


The delegation of Technical University «Freiberg mining academy» (Freiberg, Germany) Including the Rector professor George Unland, professors Carsten Drebenstedt and Hainz Konietzki have taken part in the colloquium. From the Ukrainian side the leading scientists of the National mining university - the NMU Rector, academician Gennady Pivniak, professors Alexander Shashenko, Vladimir Bondarenko, Ilya Gumenik, Elena Sdvizhkova, Ivan Sadovenko and others have made contributions and participated in discussions. The pressing problems of extraction branch development, geomechanical systems stability, prospects of joint research projects were discussed. Contributions have been dealt with experimental studies and modeling of geomechanical processes. 

3-4 April, 2008
III International student's forum «Widening our horizons» in the NMU


The section «Stability of geotechnical systems» has been organized with REC. The section participants were post-graduates and students of the Krakow Mining and Metallurgical Academy Peter Tsygan, Dariush Pasternak, Shimon Sipnevski; NMU post-graduates and students Svetlana Demjanets, Alexey Lozhnikov, Artem Lysenko, Evgen Zatsepin, Ekaterina Sergeeva, Dmitry Maltsev, Jury Sorbat, and Igor Starotitorov. The speakers discussed the problems of mineral deposits working out in Ukraine and Poland, geo-mechanics, an effective utilization of raw and power resources, using GIS to study geotechnical systems.

16 October, 2008
The international Forum of Mining Engineers 2008


The Eighth International Mining Forum in the first higher mining educational institution of Ukraine - National Mining University - has gathered the scientists and experts of the Russian Federation, Poland, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, miners of Donbass, Krivbass, Zaporozhye, Zhitomir, Crimea, Sumy, Odessa, Lugansk and many other things cities and regions: more than 100 organizations. This forum became the traditional international event. The section on geo-mechanics and geo-techniques was held with REC support within the Forum framework.

Involvement of the REC participants in the international conferences and seminars

7-10 April, 2008
The Advanced Research Workshop under the NATO program “Optimization of disaster forecasting and prevention measures in the context of human and social dynamics”


in Chisinau (Moldova) has been organized with support of the Ministry of environment and natural resources of Moldova and UWIK-Consulting company (Germany) which works in environment restoration. Experts in the field of environment protection from Germany, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Romania, Armenia, Georgia have taken part in a seminar. The report „Environment protection measures assessment in the affected area of containment ponds for waste mine waters in Western Donbass” has been presented by the REC External links manager Dmitry Rudakov. The contribution entitled "The Cytogenetic Status of Human Organism as a Diagnostic Parameter in a System of Socio-ecological Monitoring" by Alla Gorova, Irina Klimkina, Yury Buchav was presented by the REC participant Ph.D. Irina Klimkina.

7-11 September, 2008
XXI World Mining Congress


XXI World Mining Congress 2008 has passed in Krakow (Poland), with one of its sessions and exhibition World Mining Expo 2008 being in Katovicy. The majority of sessions were hold in the Krakow mining and metallurgical academy.

The Ukrainian delegation exceeded 60 persons, among them from the National Mining University were 9 scientists led by the Rector academician Gennady Pivnjak. The REC Director Elena Sdvizhkova and the External links manager Dmitry Rudakov have taken part in congress work making the contributions. The agreement between the Krakow Mining and Metallurgical Academy and Mining and Electro-technical NMU faculties has been signed.

2-3 October, 2008
Scientific conference «Remediation of abandoned mine lands»


has been organized by EPA USA and National Ground Water Association (NGWA USA) in Denver.

The American experts and representatives of the companies dealing with restoration of lands affected by mining activities became participants. The contribution “A probabilistic approach to control toxic solute transport in fractured mined rocks” on modeling migration of toxic substances in ground and mine waters in Central Donbass was presented by the REC External links manager Dmitry Rudakov.

27-29 November, 2008
Third International Colloquium «The Rock Mining without Explosives» (Germany)


was organized by TU Freiberg mining academy together with the International University of Resources, to which the National Mining University belongs among others institutions. The problems of mining operations without use of explosive technologies and ways of their solutions have been discussed on sessions.

cientists and mining companies’ representatives from Germany, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, Russia, Ukraine, Greece, Holland, Macedonia and other countries were participants of the colloquium.

The REC participants made the contributions and participated in discussions. They were the post-graduates of the higher mathematics department Olexiy Ivanov (the title «Controllable benches fall at open-cast mining of deposits» and the post-graduates of the mining machines department Vladimir Kirichenko (title «The technology of poly-metallic concretions extraction and transporting»).

28 January – 01 February, 2008
The international conference «Miners Week 2008»

«Miners Week» at the Moscow mining university - a place of a meeting of scientists and industrialists from all of the world, and also a place of reception of the information about new tendencies in a mining science and the technician. Thanks to grant REC student Darya Grechishcheva has taken part in this conference. In 2008 the Moscow minig university has collected more than 800 experts from 20 countries of the world. The seminar on which the representative of our university has acted, has been devoted questions of mining geology and geometry of bowels.

23-25 April, 2008
The international forum-contest of young researchers “Topical Issues of Subsoil Use”


has taken place in the St.-Petersburg mining institute. NMU has presented the representatives on this forum for the first time! Total of participants of the Forum this year has reached 450 persons from 20 countries of the world. Young scientists who yet have no scientific degree and students can take part in this action.
Thanks to REC support, from NMU in Forum work students Denis Ivanenko and Maxim Babenko, post-graduate students Alexey Ivanov, Vladimir Kirichenko and Alexander Sidelnikov have taken part. The result of participation of our delegation - the first place in section «Geodesy, Geomechanics and Underground Building» was occupied by Alexey Ivanov, the second place in section «Problem of extraction of ore and nonmetallic raw materials» was received by Alexander Sidelnikov.

12-13 April, 2008
The international scientific and technical conference of students, post-graduate students and young scientists «Improvement of building of mines and underground constructions technology» in Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU)


Every year the delegation of the National Mining University visits the conference devoted to new research works and projects carried out by young investigators and students. This conference is organized by the department of building mines and underground constructions of DonNTU. This year the works were presented by the NMU students Konstantin Kravchenko, Nikita Mostovoj, Andrey Filippov and Kyril Novitsky that performed their works on REC grants.

30 August - 03 September, 2008
The Advanced Research Workshop under the NATO program “Coupled site and soil-structure interaction effects with application to seismic risk mitigation”

was hold in Bulgaria (Borovets) with the support of the Institute of mechanics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Experts in the field of engineering geology and seismology from Germany, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, the USA and other countries took part in this seminar. The contribution „Analysis of dynamic impact on a ground slope while destruction of emergency house constructions” on numerical study of soil slopes stability in the urban territories was made by the REC External links manager Dmitry Rudakov.

23-25 April, 2008
Second international scientific and practical conference for young scientists, post-graduates and students


The department of building and geo-mechanics of the National Mining University supported by REC has organized the international conference "Prospects of underground space development» dedicated to the 80 anniversary after the preparation of mining builders at the National Mining University began.

22 speakers have presented their results on sessions. They represented Shahtinsky Institute of the South Russian ¬state technical university (Shahty, Russia), The Donbass State Technical University (Alchevsk); The East Ukrainian National University named after V. Dal' (Antrazit); Krivoroz’ky Technical University (Kriviy Rig); Donetsk National Technical University (Donetsk); Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named after M.S. Poliakov of the National Science of Ukraine (Dnipropetrovsk); National Mining University (Dnipropetrovsk).

Among the participants were: 13 students; 7 post-graduates; 7 young researchers.



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